Phones and I don't get along very well.
me amend that a little. There was one phone I really loved. We got along
great, because it was cool and I knew its secret. It was an
Ericafon. It sat in our front hall from the time I was four years
old until the house was sold, fifteen years later. Visitors
wouldn't know how to use it until I'd tell them, "The dial's on the
bottom. Use the red button to hang up." Setting the phone down
also pressed the red button in the middle of the dial, so just setting
it down properly hung it up. It was neat and sleek and modern in
an era when most phones were still plain black ones.
When I got my own place, and telephones became items to be owned rather
than leased from Midstate Telephone or New York Telephone, I tried to
get an Ericafon. They weren't making them any
more. Ericafons go for $100 or so on eBay now, with the
ringer and the dial instead of the buttons that came out later.
So far, John and I have settled for a remake that turned up at the
Discovery Store a couple of Christmases ago. It's the wrong color (my
family's original one was white), and it's not really a dial on the
bottom, but what the heck. It was a lot less than $100.
all its wonders, that original Ericafon was not problem-free. It was tapped. Even after all these years I don't
feel I can talk freely about all this, so let's just say my Mom knew
someone who had been married to a Mafia guy and leave it at that.
Mom's recordings of the telltale sounds on the phone lines were one of
the many wedges between her and my dad, eventually leading to the
In college, my main beef with telephones was that the
one down the hall from the dorm room sometimes failed to connect me
with anyone who could cheer me up after an upsetting post-divorce
letter from my mom. I don't really blame the phone for that one. Later
I had a phone cord chewed by a puppy, Wafer, until it only vaguely
worked when I twisted the wires together. I eventually had to
walk to a nearby house to call for a repair. The house turned out
to be a home for mentally disabled people or something like that.
They were very nice to me there.
modern day problems are mostly about phones that don't work properly,
or that make me feel like a technophobe. In eleven years I've
never learned how to use the intercom function on my phone at
work. Why should I, when I can walk into the next room and check
with my coworkers in person? It gets me up out of my hermit cave once
in a while, and that's a good thing.
The main house phone works okay now, but the ones before
it had problems, and I've never really learned to do more than pick up
the voicemail and use a few stored numbers. Also, when US West
became Qwest, the service became iffy for a while. One day the
phone repeatedly insisted that I could only call my mom, who lived less
than five miles away, by dialing our area code and making a toll
call. I drove over there instead.
And can somebody explain
to me why my PCS phone doesn't work at Disneyland? All around me on our
last trip there, people were gabbing on their phone--"Yeah, we're in
line at the Matterhorn now; we'll meet you at the Haunted Mansion in an
hour!"--but my phone was usually "looking for service." I half
expect that at my church, whose adobe walls apparently aren't very
PCS-friendly, but Disneyland? You can't tell me that all those
hundreds of other people chatting their way through their vacations
were using different services from mine.
on my third PCS clam shell, beam-me-up style phone, and none of them
have been reliable. The first two were replaced free (the one pictured
is a reconditioned phone I got in exchange for the second one). The
third one, the techs told me, was working fine, despite all evidence to
the contrary. They couldn't explain about Disneyland. I
left the Sprint store and went to an egg-oriented restaurant in the
same building, whereupon the phone promptly started looking for service
It doesn't really matter that much, though. Only
Eva, Samantha and John ever call me on my current phone. I
originally got it so that Mom, her doctors, caregivers and other
interested parties could reach me, but Mom's been gone for a while
now. So I use it to call other people, mostly, such as my Dad
whenever I get an A for a UoP course.
At home, the house phone
mostly rings with political calls, opinion polls and marketing surveys,
and with people who want us to refinance our house. Since the Do
Not Call list, it hardly rings at all. The annoying part is when
a doctor's office or church leaves a message on the house voicemail, no
matter how many times I give out the PCS phone number. Why don't
they understand that I work for a living, and am therefore unlikely to
take their calls at home at 2:43 PM on a Thursday?
Even when the
phone line is used for modeming (I don't have cable or broadband),
there are problems. For a couple of years, we didn't have a
working phone when it rained, which made in difficult to do web-based
research for accounting papers the night before class. Eventually I had
the bright idea of calling for repair service. The guy messed with the
loose wires outside and fixed the problem in twenty minutes. The phone
line in here starts from a thirty-year-old four-prong jack, goes into
an adapter, comes out of the closet and crosses the room, where it goes
into a splitter so that both the Mac and the Compaq can go online (not
at the same time). Sometimes the tangled cords come unplugged at
inconvenient moments.
it comes down to it, though, my major malfunction when it comes to
phones is not equipment failures or my failure to understand the
phones. The real problem is this: I'm too shy to make outgoing calls to
people I don't know well. That's about to be a problem again,
because Father Smith appointed me as a Oxford Town Crier for the
English Faire. That involves calling parishioners, although I'm
going to try to make the job as much about email as telephones.
these phone calls I don't want to make has reminded me of my greatest
phone-related trauma to date, with the exception of the day I
got the call that my mom was in a coma. In this much-earlier
anxiety-inducer, my mom hired me to make phone calls on behalf of the
Mental Health Association of Onondaga County. I was supposed to
call all the golf courses in Syracuse, confirm their addresses and
phone numbers, and get the names of their golf pros. I put off the job as
long as I could, and then I started dialing--not from the Ericafon, but
from the black phone in my parents' bedroom.
The most interesting call in the early going was to Drumlins, whose golf pro, I was told, was "Emmett Kelly."
"Really? Any relation to the famous clown?" I asked.
yes, he was the clown's son, Emmett Kelly Jr. He'd even done
some clowning himself. Neat. I thanked the woman and hung
What I didn't know was that Drumlins was also listed in the
phone book as "University Ski and Golf Resort." So I called that number
again, and asked again about the golf pro.
"Emmett Kelley,
Junior," the woman answered though gritted teeth. I could
actually hear that her teeth were gritted. I apologized, found
out about the name confusion and hung up.
I don't like phones very much.
Fireworks, Family, and Times Gone By
Last night I made a little video comparing fireworks and sunsets, posing
the musical question, "Which is Better?" Here it is:
Since then, I've been think...
5 years ago
Oh boy. I am NOT a phone person either. I hate calling people I don't know. I would let my work phone go to voice mail as often as I could get away with. LOL I don't make any appointments or call for information in this house if I can get away with it. That's John's job. ;-) -B
For someone who professes a dislike of them, you seem to have a lot of phone-related stories to tell! I'd never heard the name Ericafon, but once seeing the pic, I remember those phones, too. I'm no great phan of phones either.. must be the only person in this city who doesn't own a cellular ph. ¤Holly
I can certainly understand your dislike of phones. This story reminds me of one of my more famous foibles...getting names right! One day I had to make a call to have my mom placed on a list of Call Alerts. The man who ran the program at out local hospital had what I thought was a very funny name. Harry Mutton. I mused about how it must have been going through life with that name. Laughing and laughing. Well, Mr. Mutton didn't find it very funny and I felt really bad for my rude behavior so I apologized. He was quite gracious and gave me his business card before leaving my office. It turns out his name wasn't Harry was Harry Martin. I had just spent the better part of an hour calling a nice man, Harry Mutton. I had to make it right so I got my courage up and called him later. He then understood and was quite kind. Yeah, I can relate. :)
Always, Carly :)
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