Tuesday, September 14, 2004

How Many of Them Are Smiths, Too?

I have a theory that a disproportionate number of AOL Journalers are either named John or married to John, and have further close connections with someone named John. John Scalzi is just one of many examples. Some of them (my pastor, for example) have the double whammy of common names, and are named John Smith.  Yes, I know that John used to be the most common male first name in English, and maybe it still is. But doesn't it seem as if everybody on AOL writes about a loved one named John?

At least two people who comment in this journal (and have great journals of their own) are spouses of someone named John. The good news is that they're not the same guy.

So, quick survey: is there someone named John in your immediate family? How about Smith?

Karen, wife of John


Anonymous said...

There are a lot of John's...there are a lot of Mary's....most common used name for ages!

Anonymous said...

My mother's maiden name is Smith. You have no idea what a pain this is when doing genealogy research.

Anonymous said...

My stepfather is a Smith.  So currently my mother is too.  My sister threatens that when she has kids she's going to have them call Mom "Granny Smith".

Anonymous said...

Cherie, wife of John.  John Clark.  Might as well be John Smith  :)

Anonymous said...

Husband is John. LOL No Smiths.

Anonymous said...

No Smiths and no Johns here. Call me when you need some Claudes/Claudias or Bruces.