Monday, March 7, 2005

As the Sun Rises Quickly in the East...

...I make a quick stab at John Scalzi's Photo Assignment about sunsets:

Your Monday Photo Shoot #1: Show us a picture of a sunset near you. Again, you can take a fresh picture, or show off a picture from an earlier sunset. Note -- it does have to be a picture you take.

Both taken from my home street in 2004:


I'll see about topping these later, but I already had them uploaded.

Meanwhile, ponder this: in Tucson, it's possible to take a good sunset picture by pointing the camera north! This is because the sunset gets reflected off the Catalina Mountains.  I'll try to prove my claim later.



Anonymous said...

Another golden sky....I can see that we all love sunsets.  Very good.

Anonymous said...

Ooo! Pretty! lol

Anonymous said...

Aww, very nice!